Activity Sectors
Judicial and extrajudicial consultancy and assistance
Legal Compliance
- Assistance and preparation of the MOG
- Supervisory Body
- Assistance and consultancy in the whistleblowing field
- Management of whistleblowing reports
- Training in the area of 231/01 and whistleblowing training
- Regulatory Compliance of internal company procedures
- Consultancy in the context of Law 150/2009, Law 190/2012 and Legislative Decree 33/2013
- Independent Evaluation Body
- Regulatory Compliance of transparency and corruption prevention procedures
- Legal audit activity
Banking Law
- Management of NPL practices
- Judicial assistance in bank debt collection
- Banking due diligence activities
- Contractual consultancy in the corporate and retail sector
- Advice on real and personal guarantees
- Consultancy on the obligations required by banking and financial market regulations
- Anti-money laundering legislation
- Consortia activities
- MIFID Directive
- Assistance in banking mediation
Company Law
- Identification of the corporate structure and incorporation of companies
- Drafting of company statutes and shareholder agreements
- Advice to shareholders and administrative bodies (company secretariat)
- Assistance and consultancy on the sale and acquisition of shareholdings
- Assistance and consultancy for corporate mergers and demergers
- Assistance and consultancy for sales and acquisitions, contributions and rentals of companies
- Legal due diligence activities in the corporate field
- Assistance in voluntary liquidation procedures
- Definition of governance structures
- Assistance in corporate litigation
- Assistance in corporate mediations
Civil Right
- Family law (marital separations and divorces, marital and property agreements between spouses and children’s right)
- Family assets, divisions and successions
- Medical liability
- Real rights and obligations
- Location
- Condominium
- Typical and atypical civil contracts
- Assistance in civil litigation
- Assistance in civil law mediations
Business Crisis and Insolvency
- Bankruptcy revocations
- Applications (timely and late) for admission to judicial liquidation
- Judgments of opposition to the passive status and to the distribution projects
- Credit revocation judgments
- Appeals for the opening of judicial liquidation pursuant to articles. 37 and 40 c.c.i.
- Judgments opposing the approval of preventive and bankruptcy agreements
- Assistance in the evaluation and presentation of recovery projects (art. 67 LF) or restructuring agreements (art. 182 bis LF)
- Assistenza nella valutazione e/o presentazione di domande di concordato preventivo o fallimentare
Commercial Contracts
- Private procurement contracts
- Sales contracts
- Distribution contracts
- Franchise agreements
- Agency contracts
- Service and outsourcing contracts
- Supply contracts
- Leasing contracts
- Joint venture agreements
Insurance Law
- Assistance in contractual insurance litigation
- Road accidents with and without personal injury
- Professional responsibility
- Assistance in insurance mediations
Labor law
- Assistance in managing employment relationships
- Drafting of regulations, disciplinary codes and company policies
- Drafting of special clauses (i.e. non-competition agreements, IP/IT clauses)
- Assistance in agency relationships
- Employment contracts with international profiles
- Assistance in secondment procedures, including international ones
- OSH training and assistance
Real estate
- Assistance in the purchase and sale of properties
- Assistance in judicial auctions